
To produce, research and development, sales of hospital clinical anesthesia and perioperative medical equipment products based on High and new technology enterprises
To produce, research and development, sales of hospital clinical anesthesia and perioperative medical equipment products based on High and new technology enterprises
Disposable blood pressure sensor
This product is suitable for measuring arterial pressure (systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and mean blood pressure) in adult patients
  • Advantage
  • Range
  • Model
  • 1. Using imported sensor chips, high measurement sensitivity, accurate data, and wide measurement range;

    2. Connect the pipeline with sufficient thickness and hardness to ensure that the accuracy of the measurement is not affected by the resonance of the pipeline caused by blood pulsation during the measurement process;

    3. The flushing valve is compatible with pull-up and extrusion design, and can be operated with one hand to complete pipeline exhaust;

    4. There are 6 connectors available, including Edward, Braun, BD, Midea, Uta, and Abbott, which are widely compatible with medical monitors currently on the market;

  • This product is suitable for measuring arterial pressure (systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and mean blood pressure) in adult patients

  • Specification and model: 1. YCQ-I (single chamber) 2. YCQ-II (double chamber) 3. YCQ-IIIII (three chamber)

    Joint types: Braun, Abbott, Uta, BD, Edward, Midea


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    涪陵区| 泊头市| 衡水市| 兴义市| 宜丰县| 平江县| 同仁县| 古交市| 孟州市| 子长县| 于田县| 宁武县| 定兴县| 龙山县| 宣恩县| 邓州市| 乌拉特前旗| 丰县| 永济市| 山东| 大化| 綦江县| 四会市| 尚志市| 威宁| 周口市| 南开区| 宁陵县| 和政县| 会昌县| 邮箱| 乐平市| 白水县| 吕梁市| 菏泽市| 潜江市| 荥经县| 高清| 司法| 汉阴县| 阿坝县|