
To produce, research and development, sales of hospital clinical anesthesia and perioperative medical equipment products based on High and new technology enterprises
To produce, research and development, sales of hospital clinical anesthesia and perioperative medical equipment products based on High and new technology enterprises
Disposable anesthetic puncture kit
This product is clinically suitable for epidural nerve block, subarachnoid block anesthesia, combined epidural and lumbar anesthesia, and nerve block anesthesia methods for puncture and injection of drugs.
  • Advantage
  • Range
  • Model
  • 1. Lumbar anesthesia puncture needle: With a pen tip design, the needle tip bluntly separates tissue fibers when passing through the arachnoid membrane, instead of cutting, which can effectively prevent cerebrospinal fluid leakage and accelerate wound healing, reducing the likelihood of postoperative headache in patients;

    2. Epidural puncture needle: The puncture needle head is passivated, resulting in a significant breakthrough in the ligamentum flavum and reducing the risk of catheter cutting;

    3. Epidural Anesthesia Catheter: Made of imported medical PA catheter particle material, developed under X-ray, with good toughness, not easy to break, convenient tube placement, and can be left for long-term postoperative pain relief for patients. The three measuring holes can evenly distribute the medication;

    Ordinary and reinforced types can be flexibly selected according to clinical practice, and the reinforced type has anti discount performance to prevent tube blockage;

    4. 12G medication needle: Convenient for operators to extract anesthetic solution from ampoules, maintaining a strict and sterile environment during anesthesia puncture process;

  • This product is clinically suitable for epidural nerve block, subarachnoid block anesthesia, combined epidural and lumbar anesthesia, and nerve block anesthesia methods for puncture and injection of drugs.

  • modelname
    AS-EEpidural Anesthesia Puncture Kit
    AS-SLumbar Anesthesia Puncture Kit
    AS-E/SIISpinal epidural anesthesia puncture kit
    AS-NNerve block anesthesia puncture kit


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    百色市| 建平县| 新民市| 乌审旗| 罗江县| 涿鹿县| 崇州市| 长治县| 寿光市| 河南省| 扬中市| 方城县| 利川市| 丁青县| 泾川县| 鹿泉市| 崇左市| 钦州市| 瑞安市| 莎车县| 洛阳市| 方正县| 永清县| 政和县| 宝坻区| 龙井市| 名山县| 吉安县| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 曲松县| 临夏县| 来安县| 治县。| 科技| 临夏县| 和田市| 海淀区| 五华县| 蒲江县| 仙游县| 图们市|